Cache file / decache files

-two kinds of cached files-
  1. UnrealTournament\Cache directory:
    These are mods/maps/textures/sounds/music you downloaded completely through UT. In the UnrealTournament.ini there is

    which controls how many days these files are kept – which would result in a redownload if required file get deleted. It is highly advisable to make real (and persistent) files out of them. This is tidy lets you use the files for offline gaming and reduces server load. I recommend to use the UnrealTournament Cached File Manager (

    - WINDOWS 98 or Higher
    - Windows NT
    - Windows 2000
    - If you can play UT you can run this proggy.

    . But there are other tools or batch programs for this task.

  2. UnrealTournament\Cachennnn.tmp
    n=incremented 4 digit hex number. These should be aborted downloads through UT (compressed versions of the files I suppose). There is no secure information about them. You can delete these file if you want.

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