Posts Tagged ‘message text’

Customize / Localize Strings and Messages

March 3, 2010

If you want to change some strings inside UT you may watch below and modify the values (right of =) in your corresponding files (make a backup of the considered file(s) first – no warranties):

see different *.int files in your UT\System directory; a selection follows. here only the most interesting part: strings when connecting

ClassCaption=Standard Unreal Console
PrecachingMessage=PRECACHING – server-list labels of the ingame browser: (this is my modification – original not at hand). Short labels are nicer and I get all tabs in one row.



UBrowserLMS=LMS most power-/useful: editing death-/kill-/HUDmessage texts.
Some hints:
Put up a scheme like this for all weapons to easily read deathmessages displayed in the upper left area.

DeathMessage=%o < %k (%w)

Consider that the strings are concatenated in predefined way with variable values. E.g. the HUD messages for killing / dying:


YouKilled=You killed
YouWereKilledBy=You were killed by

can be simplified to

YouKilled=You >
YouWereKilledBy=You <
KilledByTrailer=" "

Or shorten the weaponnames both for pickups and for kill-/deathmessages:


Now the complete default list of Apply them by adding the parts including header you want to modify to your

Object=(Name=BotPack.TMale1Bot,Class=Class,MetaClass=BotPack.Bot,Description="Male Commando")
Object=(Name=BotPack.TMale1,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentPlayer,Description="Male Commando")
Object=(Name=BotPack.TMale2Bot,Class=Class,MetaClass=BotPack.Bot,Description="Male Soldier")
Object=(Name=BotPack.TMale2,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentPlayer,Description="Male Soldier")
Object=(Name=BotPack.TFemale1Bot,Class=Class,MetaClass=BotPack.Bot,Description="Female Commando")
Object=(Name=BotPack.TFemale1,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentPlayer,Description="Female Commando")
Object=(Name=BotPack.TFemale2Bot,Class=Class,MetaClass=BotPack.Bot,Description="Female Soldier")
Object=(Name=BotPack.TFemale2,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentPlayer,Description="Female Soldier")
Object=(Name=BotPack.VoiceMaleOne,Class=Class,MetaClass=BotPack.VoiceMale,Description="Male One")
Object=(Name=BotPack.VoiceFemaleOne,Class=Class,MetaClass=BotPack.VoiceFemale,Description="Female One")
Object=(Name=BotPack.VoiceMaleTwo,Class=Class,MetaClass=BotPack.VoiceMale,Description="Male Two")
Object=(Name=BotPack.VoiceFemaleTwo,Class=Class,MetaClass=BotPack.VoiceFemale,Description="Female Two")
Object=(Name=BotPack.DoubleEnforcer,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentWeapon,Description="Double Enforcers")
Object=(Name=BotPack.ImpactHammer,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentWeapon,Description="Impact Hammer")
Object=(Name=BotPack.PulseGun,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentWeapon,Description="Pulse Gun")
Object=(Name=BotPack.ShockRifle,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentWeapon,Description="Shock Rifle")
Object=(Name=BotPack.UT_BioRifle,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentWeapon,Description="GES Bio Rifle")
Object=(Name=BotPack.UT_Eightball,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentWeapon,Description="Rocket Launcher")
Object=(Name=BotPack.UT_FlakCannon,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TournamentWeapon,Description="Flak Cannon")
Object=(Name=BotPack.InstaGibDM,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="InstaGib,Combat with super high powered shock rifles.")
Object=(Name=BotPack.PulseArena,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Pulse Arena,Pulse guns only.")
Object=(Name=BotPack.FlakArena,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Flak Arena,Flak cannons only.")
Object=(Name=BotPack.RocketArena,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Rocket Launcher Arena,Rocket launchers only.")
Object=(Name=BotPack.ShockArena,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Shock Arena,Shock rifles only.")
Object=(Name=BotPack.SniperArena,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Sniper Arena,Sniper rifles only.")
Object=(Name=BotPack.ChainsawMelee,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Chainsaw Melee,Everyone's melee weapon is a chainsaw.")
Object=(Name=BotPack.NoRedeemer,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="No Redeemer,The redeemer is removed from the game.")
Object=(Name=BotPack.NoPowerups,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="No Powerups,No shieldbelt, udamage, superhealth, or invisibility.")
Object=(Name=BotPack.LowGrav,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Low Gravity,Low Gravity.")
Object=(Name=BotPack.Stealth,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Stealth,Everyone is invisible.")
Object=(Name=BotPack.InstantRockets,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="Instant Rockets,Rocket Launcher can't be loaded with multiple rockets.")
Object=(Name=BotPack.JumpMatch,Class=Class,MetaClass=Engine.Mutator,Description="JumpMatch,Players will be able to jump extremely high.")
Object=(Name=BotPack.TDMDefaultMapList,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TDMmaplist,Description="Default Maps")
Object=(Name=BotPack.TDMLargeMapList,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TDMmaplist,Description="Large Maps")
Object=(Name=BotPack.TDMMediumMapList,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TDMmaplist,Description="Medium Maps")
Object=(Name=BotPack.TDMSmallMapList,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TDMmaplist,Description="Small Maps")
Object=(Name=BotPack.ASDefaultMapList,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.ASMapList,Description="Default Maps")
Object=(Name=BotPack.DOMDefaultMapList,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.DOMMapList,Description="Default Maps")
Object=(Name=BotPack.CTFDefaultMapList,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.CTFMapList,Description="Default Maps")
Object=(Name=BotPack.TDKDefaultMapList,Class=Class,MetaClass=Botpack.TDKMapList,Description="Default Maps")
Preferences=(Caption="UTDeathmatch",Parent="Game Types",Class=Botpack.DeathmatchPlus,Immediate=True)
Preferences=(Caption="UTTeamGame",Parent="Game Types",Class=Botpack.TeamGamePlus,Immediate=True)
Preferences=(Caption="CTF",Parent="Game Types",Class=Botpack.CTFGame,Immediate=True)
Preferences=(Caption="Assault",Parent="Game Types",Class=Botpack.Assault,Immediate=True)
Preferences=(Caption="Domination",Parent="Game Types",Class=Botpack.Domination,Immediate=True)
Preferences=(Caption="LastManStanding",Parent="Game Types",Class=Botpack.LastManStanding,Immediate=True)

DeathMessage=%o was ripped to shreds by %k's %w.
WeaponDescription=Classification: Heavy Shrapnel\n\nPrimary Fire: White hot chunks of scrap metal are sprayed forth, shotgun style.\n\nSecondary Fire: A grenade full of shrapnel is lobbed at the enemy.\n\nTechniques: The Flak Cannon is far more useful in close range combat situations.
PickupMessage=You got the Flak Cannon.
ItemName=Flak Cannon

DeathMessage=%k riddled %o full of holes with the %w.
DoubleName=Double Enforcer
WeaponDescription="Classification: Light Pistol\n\nPrimary Fire: Accurate but slow firing instant hit.\n\nSecondary Fire: Sideways, or 'Gangsta' firing mode, shoots twice as fast and half as accurate as the primary fire.\n\nTechniques: Collect two for twice the damage."
PickupMessage=You picked up another Enforcer!

DeathMessage=%o got smeared by %k's piston.
WeaponDescription=Classification: Melee Piston\n\nPrimary Fire: When trigger is held down, touch opponents with this piston to inflict massive damage.\n\nSecondary Fire: Damages opponents at close range and has the ability to deflect projectiles.\n\nTechniques: Shoot at the ground while jumping to jump extra high.
PickupMessage=You got the Impact Hammer.
ItemName=Impact Hammer

DeathMessage=%k's %w turned %o into a leaky piece of meat.
WeaponDescription=Classification: Gatling Gun\n\nPrimary Fire: Bullets are sprayed forth at a medium to fast rate of fire and good accuracy.\n\nSecondary Fire: Minigun fires twice as fast and is half as accurate.\n\nTechniques: Secondary fire is much more useful at close range, but can eat up tons of ammunition.
PickupMessage=You got the Minigun.

DeathMessage=%o ate %k's burning plasma death.
WeaponDescription=Classification: Plasma Rifle\n\nPrimary Fire: Medium sized, fast moving plasma balls are fired at a fast rate of fire.\n\nSecondary Fire: A bolt of green lightning is expelled for 100 meters, which will shock all opponents.\n\nTechniques: Firing and keeping the secondary fire's lightning on an opponent will melt them in seconds.
MessageNoAmmo=" has no Plasma."
PickupMessage=You got a Pulse Gun
ItemName=Pulse Gun

DeathMessage=%k ripped a chunk of meat out of %o with the %w.
WeaponDescription=Classification: Ballistic Blade Launcher\n\nPrimary Fire: Razor sharp titanium disks are launched at a medium rate of speed. Shots will ricochet off of any surfaces.\n\nSecondary Fire: Explosive disks are launched at a slow rate of fire.\n\nTechniques: Aim for the necks of your opponents.
PickupMessage=You got the Ripper.

DeathMessage=%k inflicted mortal damage upon %o with the %w.
WeaponDescription=Classification: Energy Rifle\n\nPrimary Fire: Instant hit laser beam.\n\nSecondary Fire: Large, slow moving plasma balls.\n\nTechniques: Hitting the secondary fire plasma balls with the regular fire's laser beam will cause an immensely powerful explosion.
PickupMessage="You got the ASMD Shock Rifle."
ItemName=Shock Rifle

DeathMessage=%k electrified %o with the %w.
PickupMessage=You got the enhanced Shock Rifle.
ItemName=Enhanced Shock Rifle

DeathMessage=%k put a bullet through %o's head.
WeaponDescription=Classification: Long Range Ballistic\n\nRegular Fire: Fires a high powered bullet. Can kill instantly when applied to the cranium of opposing forces. \n\nSecondary Fire: Zooms the rifle in, up to eight times normal vision. Allows for extreme precision from hundreds of yards away.\n\nTechniques: Great for long distance headshots!
PickupMessage=You got a Sniper Rifle.
ItemName=Sniper Rifle

DeathMessage=%k telefragged %o!
WeaponDescription=Classification: Personal Teleportation Device\n\nPrimary Fire: Launches the destination module.  Throw the module to the location you would like to teleport to.\n\nSecondary Fire: Activates the translocator and teleports the user to the destination module.\n\nTechniques: Throw your destination module at another player and then activate the secondary fire, and you will telefrag your opponent!  If you press your primary fire button when activating your translocator with the secondary fire, the last weapon you had selected will automatically return once you have translocated.
PickupMessage=You got the Translocator Source Module.

DeathMessage=%o drank a glass of %k's dripping green load.
WeaponDescription=Classification: Toxic Rifle\n\nPrimary Fire: Wads of Tarydium byproduct are lobbed at a medium rate of fire.\n\nSecondary Fire: When trigger is held down, the BioRifle will create a much larger wad of byproduct. When this wad is launched, it will burst into smaller wads which will adhere to any surfaces.\n\nTechniques: Byproducts will adhere to walls, floors, or ceilings. Chain reactions can be caused by covering entryways with this lethal green waste.
PickupMessage=You got the GES BioRifle.
ItemName=GES Bio Rifle

DeathMessage=%o was smacked down by %k's %w.
WeaponDescription="Classification: Heavy Ballistic\n\nPrimary Fire: Slow moving but deadly rockets are fired at opponents. Trigger can be held down to load up to six rockets at a time, which can be fired at once.\n\nSecondary Fire: Grenades are lobbed from the barrel. Secondary trigger can be held as well to load up to six grenades.\n\nTechniques: Keeping this weapon pointed at an opponent will cause it to lock on, and while the gun is locked the next rocket fired will be a homing rocket.  Because the Rocket Launcher can load up multiple rockets, it fires when you release the fire button.  If you prefer, it can be configured to fire a rocket as soon as you press fire button down, at the expense of the multiple rocket load-up feature.  This is set in the Input Options menu."
PickupMessage=You got the Rocket Launcher.
ItemName=Rocket Launcher

DeathMessage=%o was vaporized by %k's %w!!
WeaponDescription=Classification: Thermonuclear Device\n\nPrimary Fire: Launches a huge yet slow moving missile that, upon striking a solid surface, will explode and send out a gigantic shock wave, instantly pulverizing anyone or anything within its colossal radius, including yourself.\n\nSecondary Fire: Take control of the missile and fly it anywhere.  You can press the primary fire button to explode the missile early.\n\nTechniques: Remember that while this rocket is being piloted you are a sitting duck.  If an opponent manages to hit your incoming Redeemer missile while it's in the air, the missile will explode harmlessly.
PickupMessage=You got the Redeemer.

EradicatedMessage=was eradicated by the unholy power of

ExplodeMessage=" was blown up."
SuicideMessage=" had a sudden heart attack."
FallMessage=" left a small crater."
DrownedMessage=" forgot to come up for air."
BurnedMessage=" was incinerated."
CorrodedMessage=" was slimed."
HackedMessage=" was hacked."
MortarMessage=" was blown up by a mortar."
MaleSuicideMessage=" killed his own dumb self."
FemaleSuicideMessage=" killed her own dumb self."
DeathMessage[5]=put down
DeathMessage[15]=shut out
DeathMessage[16]=beaten down
DeathMessage[17]=smacked down
DeathMessage[23]=torn up
MajorDeathMessage[0]=ripped a new one
MajorDeathMessage[1]=messed up real bad
MajorDeathMessage[2]=given a new definition of pain
DeathVerb=" was "
DeathPrep=" by "

TourneyMessage=Waiting for other players.
WaitingMessage1=Waiting for ready signals.
WaitingMessage2=(Use your fire button to toggle ready!)
ReadyMessage=You are READY!
NotReadyMessage=You are NOT READY!
CountDownMessage=" seconds until play starts!"
StartMessage=The match has begun!
GameEndedMessage=wins the match!
SingleWaitingMessage=Press Fire to start.
gamegoal=frags wins the match.
NoNameChange=" is already in use."
OvertimeMessage=Score tied at the end of regulation. Sudden Death Overtime!!!
GameName=Tournament DeathMatch

spreenote[0]=is on a killing spree!
spreenote[1]=is on a rampage!
spreenote[2]=is dominating!
spreenote[3]=is brutalizing the competition!
spreenote[4]=is unstoppable!
spreenote[5]=owns you!
spreenote[6]=needs to find some real competition!
spreenote[7]=is a GOD!

PlayerCountString=Ideal Player Load:
LiveFeed=Live Feed from 

gamegoal=captures wins the match!
GameName=Capture the Flag

StartUpTeamMessage=You are on
TeamChangeMessage=Use Options->Player Setup to change teams.
StartUpMessage=Work with your teammates against the other teams.
GameName=Tournament Team Game

AttackMessage=Take the enemy base!
DefendMessage=Defend your base against the enemy!
WinMessage=and wins!
ObjectivesMessage=Press F3 for an objectives briefing.
DefenderSuccess=defended the base
GameEndedMessage=conquered the base in


StartUpMessage=Capture and hold control points to win.
gamegoal=points wins the match!

FortName=Assault Target
DestroyedMessage=was destroyed!


TutMessage[0]=Welcome to Deathmatch combat training. Deathmatch is a sport in which you compete against other gun-wielding players in a fast paced free-for-all. The object is to destroy all of your enemies by any means necessary.
TutMessage[1]=Every time you take an enemy out you get a point, called a 'frag' in gaming lingo. You can see your frag count on the left side of the screen. At the end of the game the player with the most frags wins the match.
TutMessage[2]=Remember, if you accidentally blow yourself up or fall into lava you will lose a frag!
TutMessage[3]=Let's learn some basics about moving around. A good deathmatch player is always moving, because a moving target is harder to hit than a stationary one.
TutMessage[4]=The forward key moves you forward while the backward key makes you backpedal. The left key causes you to strafe left, while the right key, you guessed it, strafes right.
TutMessage[5]=Strafing is extremely important in deathmatch because it allows you to move from side to side without turning and losing sight or aim of your foe. Let's try strafing left and right now.
TutMessage[6]=Another important element of moving around is jumping. Jumping allows you to reach areas of the map that are too high to walk to normally and to cross dangerous pits. Try pressing the jump button and jump around the map.
TutMessage[8]=Now we're going to learn about Mouselooking. Move your mouse around and notice how your view shifts. This is how you look around and turn, known as Mouselook.
TutMessage[9]=Try turning around several times by moving the mouse left to right to see the lovely battle arena.
TutMessage[10]=Excellent. You can also look vertically to see what's occuring above and below you. In deathmatch your enemies will be attacking from above and below, so remember to always keep your eyes peeled.
TutMessage[11]=If you feel like you are looking around too quickly you can easily adjust the sensitivity of the mouse in the OPTIONS menu.
TutMessage[12]=Let's learn about offense. Remember, the only way to win at deathmatch is to destroy your foes with weaponry that you collect.
TutMessage[13]=I'm going to open the weapons locker and allow access to some guns, let's pick them up and get ready for some target practice.
TutMessage[14]="Great, now we're armed. The gun you're carrying is commonly called the 'Shock Rifle'. It, like all the weapons in the Tournament, has two firing modes. Let's try shooting the gun now. Press the fire button to emit a lethal electric beam."
TutMessage[15]=Very good. The Shock Rifle's primary fire will instantly hit the person you shoot at. In Unreal Tournament, every weapon also has an alternate firing mode. Press the alt fire button to shoot a ball of plasma at your enemy.
TutMessage[16]=Great! The alt fire on the Shock Rifle is slower moving than the primary fire, but does more damage. Its up to you to decide which attack is right for the situation. Sometimes you might be carrying more than one weapon. I've just put an 'Enforcer' sidearm in your pack. Each weapon has an associated number, as you can see at the bottom of your screen. The Enforcer is weapon number 2. Press 2 and switch to the enforcer. You can switch back to the Shock Rifle by pressing its number.
TutMessage[17]=Good, now you know how to switch weapons in battle. Every weapon in Unreal Tournament is a projectile weapon except one, the 'Impact Hammer'. Press 1 now to switch to the Impact Hammer.
TutMessage[18]=The Impact Hammer is a melee, or close combat, weapon. It requires you to be standing very close to the target to do damage. The tradeoff is that a hit will almost always kill your enemy. Press and hold the primary fire button now to charge up the impact hammer.
TutMessage[19]=Now, run up to the Nali I just spawned. When you get close enough, the Impact Hammer will release blowing him into pieces.
TutMessage[20]=Look at those gibs fly!  Great job.
TutMessage[21]=Good job. Now we're going to take out some stationary targets. Shoot all three barrels to proceed.
TutMessage[22]=Nice shootin' Tex. It's about to get harder. I'm going to release a training human opponent for you to practice on. You'll have to frag him three times to complete the tutorial. Good luck!
TutMessage[23]=Congratulations! You have proven yourself to be a worthy Deathmatch player. Now its time to enter the Deathmatch Tournament Ladder.
TutMessage4Parts[0]=The forward key
TutMessage4Parts[1]=moves you forward while the backward key
TutMessage4Parts[2]=makes you backpedal. The left key
TutMessage4Parts[3]=causes you to strafe left, while the right key
TutMessage4Parts[4]=, you guessed it, strafes right.
TutMessage6Parts[0]=Another important element of moving around is jumping. Jumping allows you to reach areas of the map that are too high to walk to normally and to cross dangerous pits. Try pressing the jump button
TutMessage6Parts[1]=and jump around the map.
TutMessage14Parts[0]=Great, now we're armed. The gun you're carrying is commonly called the 'Shock Rifle'. It, like all the weapons in the Tournament, has two firing modes. Let's try shooting the gun now. Press the fire button
TutMessage14Parts[1]=to emit a lethal electric beam.
TutMessage15Parts[0]=Very good. The Shock Rifle's primary fire will instantly hit the person you shoot at. In Unreal Tournament, every weapon also has an alternate firing mode. Press the alt fire button
TutMessage15Parts[1]=to shoot a ball of plasma at your enemy.
GameName=Combat Training: DM

TutMessage[0]=Welcome to Capture the Flag combat training. This tutorial will instruct you on the basic rules of CTF. Tutorials on DeathMatch, Domination, and Assault are also available.
TutMessage[1]=Let's start by learning about the Heads Up Display (HUD). CTF adds a few new elements to the HUD you should be aware of.
TutMessage[2]=Your HUD color indicates your team affiliation. Your HUD is red, indicating you are on the red team.
TutMessage[3]=A blue HUD would indicate that you were on the blue team.
TutMessage[4]=The two flag icons indicate the status of the red and blue flags. This allows you to obtain a quick overview of battlefield conditions.
TutMessage[5]=We'll discuss the meaning of each flag status icon in a bit.
TutMessage[6]=Just to the left of each flag status icon, is that team's score.
TutMessage[7]=Now lets look at the elements CTF adds to the scoreboard...
TutMessage[8]=Capture the Flag uses the standard Unreal teamplay scoreboard configuration.
TutMessage[9]=The left column lists the red team players and scores and the right column lists the blue team players and scores.
TutMessage[10]=Notice your name and current score of 0 listed to the left. Above your name is the name of your team. Your team's current score is listed to the right of the team's name.
TutMessage[11]=When a player in a CTF game is carrying the flag, a small dot will appear next to their name in the scoreboard.
TutMessage[12]=This can be used to quickly determine which teammate to protect or which enemy to hunt down.
TutMessage[13]=Now its time to learn the rules of Capture the Flag.
TutMessage[14]=In Capture the Flag you can use the translocator. It works the same way as in Domination, with one minor change. You are not allowed to translocate and carry the flag at the same time. If you translocate while holding the enemy flag, you will successfully translocate, but will drop the flag on the ground. This prevents you from translocating back to your base after having captured the enemy flag.
TutMessage[15]=Each CTF map has a red and a blue base. This is red base. Blue base is just down the hallway. Each base contains a flag.
TutMessage[16]=In front of you is the red flag. The object of CTF is to capture the enemy team's flag while defending your own.
TutMessage[17]=Let's give it a try. Run to the blue base and touch their flag to pick it up. Grab any equipment you find along the way.
TutMessage[18]=Great! Now you have the enemy flag. The flashing yellow message is to remind you that once you have the flag, you need to return it to your base to score.
TutMessage[19]=Notice the blue team flag status icon changed. Now it indicates that a red team player is in possession of the flag. Blue team is in trouble!
TutMessage[20]=Take the flag back to your base and touch the red flag to capture the blue flag and score.
TutMessage[21]=Great job! You captured the enemy flag and scored a point for your team. Wasn't so hard, now, was it?
TutMessage[22]=Its about to get harder. In a few seconds, I'm going to spawn two blue team bots and a red teammate you can practice with.
TutMessage[23]=There is one last status icon to tell you about. If a player drops the flag while carrying it, his team's flag status icon will change to a flag icon containing a downward arrow.
TutMessage[24]=If you find your flag lying on the ground after you kill an enemy who was carrying it, touch it to automatically return it to your base.
TutMessage[25]=This concludes the CTF tutorial. Let me spawn those practice bots for you. Good hunting!
TutMessage[26]=Congratulations! You have proven yourself to be a worthy CTF player. Now its time to enter the Capture the Flag Tournament Ladder.
GameName=Combat Training: CTF

TutMessage[0]=Welcome to Domination combat training. This tutorial will instruct you on the basic gameplay rules of Domination. Tutorials on Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, and Assault are also available.
TutMessage[1]=Let's start by learning about the elements Domination adds to the Heads Up Display (HUD).
TutMessage[2]=Domination enhances the basic teamplay HUD by adding control point status indicators to the left side of your screen.
TutMessage[3]=As you can see, there are two control points in this tutorial map. We'll discuss the function of control points shortly.
TutMessage[4]=Each indicator shows the name of a control point and that control point's current status.
TutMessage[5]=Every control point in a domination map has a unique name. These controls points are named Alpha and Gamma.
TutMessage[6]=The icon next to the control point name displays the status of that location. Before I explain how these icons work, let's discuss the rules of Domination.
TutMessage[7]=In Domination each team is trying to control and hold the level's control points.
TutMessage[8]=A team is given 1 point every 5 seconds for each location they control.
TutMessage[9]=This is a control point. The grey X symbol indicates that no team is in control of this location. To take control of a location, touch it. Do this now.
TutMessage[10]=Good. Your team now controls this location. Notice that the shape and color of the control point has changed to reflect your team symbol and color.
TutMessage[11]=Look at the control point status icon. Notice that the Gamma point icon has changed to indicate your team is in control. You can use these icons to quickly assess the state of a Domination game.
TutMessage[12]=Now find and control the Alpha point to secure your Domination of this map.
TutMessage[13]=Excellent, you control all of the points on this map.
TutMessage[14]=In summary, each team must locate and capture certain points in a Domination map. The more locations a team controls the faster their score increases.
TutMessage[15]=This device is called a 'Translocator.' You use it to transport from one location to another instantly. Hit the fire button to launch the translocator destination module.
TutMessage[16]=The module is now on the floor. If you hit the alt-fire button you will be teleported to the module. Run away from the module and hit the alt-fire button.
TutMessage[17]=Good now you are back at the module. If you fire the module out, you can switch to a weapon and later switch back to the translocator to activate it anytime you want.
TutMessage[18]=If you see an enemy translocator module on the ground, you can shoot it to disrupt it. Translocating to a disrupted module causes instant death.
TutMessage[19]=Its time for a test. I'm going to spawn two bots on the enemy team and one bot to assist you. The first team to gain 20 points wins. Good luck!
TutMessage[20]=Congratulations! You have proven yourself to be a worthy Domination player. Now its time to enter the Domination Tournament Ladder.
GameName=Combat Training: DOM

ServerInfoText=Server Info
ContactInfoText=Contact Info
MOTD=Message of the Day
ServerStatsText=Server Stats
FragsLoggedText=Frags Logged:
GamesHostedText=Games Hosted:
VictimsText=Lives Claimed:
GameStatsText=Game Stats
FragsText=Total Frags:
TopPlayersText=Top Players [Frags per Hour]
BestFPHText=Best FPH
BestRecordSetText=Record Set

TeamName[0]=Red Team
TeamName[1]=Blue Team
TeamName[2]=Green Team
TeamName[3]=Gold Team
PlayersNotShown=Player[s] not shown.

Restart=You are dead.  Hit [Fire] to respawn!
Continue=" Hit [Fire] to continue!"
Ended="The match has ended."
ElapsedTime=Elapsed Time:
RemainingTime=Remaining Time:
FragGoal=Frag Limit:
TimeLimit=Time Limit:

FlagsCapturedText=Flags Captured:

Titles[2]=Light Weight
Titles[3]=Heavy Weight
Titles[5]=Battle Master

LeaderSign[0]=Red Leader
LeaderSign[1]=Blue Leader
LeaderSign[2]=Green Leader
LeaderSign[3]=Gold Leader

StartUpMessage=Last Man Standing.  How long can you live?
GameName=Last Man Standing



DamageString=%o was depressurized

TeamName=Thunder Crash
TeamBio=Thunder Crash is the current big city favorite. Sporting a calculated balance of strength and style, they always manage to crush the opposition and look good at the same time.
BotClassifications[3]=Chem Killer
BotBio[0]=Once a trader for the Cyron Financial Commission, Othello became a suicidal pit fighter following the mysterious death of his wife.
BotBio[1]=Born into an extremely rich family, Azure has had the benefit of training from the top fighters of her time. Physical engineering from the best hospitals has enhanced her abilities to the limit of perfection.
BotBio[2]=A former hotshot pilot, Aryss found that her skill and agility worked well on the battlefield, earning her a spot on the Thunder Crash team.
BotBio[3]=FenTech's finest creation, Malcom is an engineered warrior enhanced by chemicals. Adrenaline stimulants, synaptic catalysts, and impulse regulators combine to create a superhuman killing machine.
BotBio[4]=Riker is a walking fusion of tactics and style. He always tries to find new ways of killing his opponents and has won multiple awards for creative improvisation.
BotBio[5]=Annika's sister, a miner, was killed due to incompetent Liandri management in the depths of Vulcana 32. She joined the Thunder Crash to help win the Tournament so she can bring a class action lawsuit against the corporation and make them pay for the death of her sibling.
BotBio[6]=Tamika's mother left her at an early age and she was raised in a house full of men where she was hardened by years of abuse. Bitter beyond belief, she is a hard combatant with a penchant for obliterating male contestants.
BotBio[7]=No description needed.

TutMessage[0]=Welcome to Assault combat training. This tutorial will instruct you on the basic rules of AS. Tutorials on DeathMatch, Domination, and Capture the Flag are also available.
TutMessage[1]=The first thing you'll notice upon entering an Assault game is the large digital time display to the left of your HUD. This timer counts away the seconds until the game ends. Time is critical in an Assault game.
TutMessage[2]=The game consists of two teams, each with a unique goal. You are on the attacking team. Your job is to penetrate the enemy base and destroy several key locations. If you fail to succeed in the allotted time, you lose.
TutMessage[3]=The opposing team are the defenders. The defender's job is to protect their base and key locations from the assaulting team.
TutMessage[4]=If you succeed in taking the enemy base as an attacker, then you must play the role of the defender for the same length of time.
TutMessage[5]=To clarify, if you have 20 minutes to take the enemy base and you succeed in 10, then the map will restart and you must defend the base for 10 minutes. The longer it takes you to succeed in attacking, the longer you must defend the base.
TutMessage[6]=Each assault map is unique in design. It may take time to learn the layout and develop strategies to attack or defend successfully.
TutMessage[7]=At the start of every match, you are in spectator mode. Feel free to fly around and explore the map before play begins, to familiarize yourself with the environment.
TutMessage[8]=When playing Assault with bots, you can use the 'orders menu' to command bot behavior. By hitting the v key, you can access the orders menu and deploy bots as you see fit.
TutMessage[9]=The goal of this tutorial map is to break into the enemy base and destroy a prototype plasma tank. I'm going to summon two enemy bots to try and stop you, but you'll have a buddy to assist.
TutMessage[10]=Some explosive has been set on the cave wall near the enemy base. Use your weapon to light the fuse then get back! Use the breach the explosive creates to enter the enemy base and take out the tank!
TutMessage[11]=Watch out for the enemy bot guarding the base and plasma turrets. Good luck!
TutMessage[12]=Congratulations! You've succeeded in destroying the plasma tank. Now its time to enter the Assault Tournament Ladder.
GameName=Combat Training: AS

PickupMessage=You got the Shield Belt.

KilledString=was killed by



IdentifyAssault=" !! Assault Target !! "

VictoryGoal=Be the last one alive!


PostKillMessage=was killed by an automatic cannon!
MenuName=automatic cannon!

ReturnBlue=returns the blue flag!
ReturnRed=returns the red flag!
ReturnedBlue=The blue flag was returned!
ReturnedRed=The red flag was returned!
CaptureBlue=captured the blue flag!  The red team scores!
CaptureRed=captured the red flag!  The blue team scores!
DroppedBlue=dropped the blue flag!
DroppedRed=dropped the red flag!
HasBlue=has the blue flag!
HasRed=has the red flag!

DamageString=%o was depressurized by %k.

PickupMessage=You got the Damage Amplifier!
ItemName=Damage Amplifier

ESCMessage=Press ESC to begin.

ESCMessage=Press ESC to continue...

TeamName=Iron Guard
TeamBio=This veteran squad of elite warriors once served as personal bodyguards to the powerful arms smuggler Jihan Nyhn. After Jihan's assassination, the Iron Guard found themselves unemployed and the Tournament was an ideal arena to vent their aggression.
BotClassifications[0]=Iron Guard Warrior
BotClassifications[1]=Iron Guard Warrior
BotClassifications[2]=Iron Guard Warrior
BotClassifications[3]=Iron Guard Warrior
BotClassifications[4]=Iron Guard Warrior
BotClassifications[5]=Iron Guard Warrior
BotClassifications[6]=Iron Guard
BotClassifications[7]=Iron Guard
BotBio[0]="Harlin is a solid fighter with plenty of field experience. He joined the Iron Guard after watching NEG Storm Troopers execute his family during a block raid."
BotBio[1]=Little is known about Rylisa or her motivations for joining the Iron Guard. Nearly every member of the Guard has a reason for fighting the NEG and Liandri, but she has not confided in any members of the group since joining.
BotBio[2]=Johnson was hired out of the black market slave trade to serve as bodyguard to Nyhn. He is strong and has an extreme amount of endurance.
BotBio[3]=Lauren was said to be Jihan Nyhn's lover. Suspecting Liandri to be the cause of his death, she has joined the Iron Guard to uncover the truth.
BotBio[4]=Brock's combat abilities are second only to his presense of character. When he's not trying to seduce the ladies, he'll be in the arena, pulse gun in hand.
BotBio[5]=Shyann is skilled at managing weapons and equipment. She serves as the Iron Guard's technician and armorer.
BotBio[6]=Rankin left Jihan Nyhn's holdings to seek new fortune in battle. He is a capable warrior with a short temper.
BotBio[7]=Sara's life is dedicated to protecting others. Her service to Nyhn was contingent upon his support of outworld guerillas fighting NEG oppression. Now that he is dead, she continues to fight the NEG in their own death game.

PickupMessage=You picked up a Health Pack +

TeamName=Blood Reavers
TeamBio=An organization of mercenaries and ex-military specialists, the Blood Reavers are interested in fame and fortune. They seek to win the Tournament for the prize that victory offers: nearly limitless wealth and power.
BotClassifications[0]=Reavers Leader
BotClassifications[1]=Blood Reaver
BotClassifications[2]=Blood Reaver
BotClassifications[3]=Blood Reaver
BotClassifications[4]=Blood Reaver
BotClassifications[5]=Blood Reaver
BotClassifications[6]=Blood Reaver
BotClassifications[7]=Blood Reaver
BotBio[0]=Kyla was captured after a five year manhunt that spanned 13 star systems. Guilty of masterminding one of the largest miner rebellions in history (Green's World), she has been forced to fight in the Tournament for her life.
BotBio[1]=Boris fought for the Earth Defense Force, but fled the field during a particularly bloody skirmish on Io. Apprehended soon after, he has been given sentence for the ultimate punishment: death at the hands of Xan Kriegor.
BotBio[2]="Unlike many of the other Blood Reavers, Mariana served the NEG faithfully for four years. That four years ended in her discharge with little compensation. She feels that the government and Liandri owe her for her service."
BotBio[3]=Luthor spent twenty years as a covert black ops specialist. He was arrested by the NEG security force during a government sanctioned internal raid. He feels betrayed and now fights against the government that created him.
BotBio[4]=Jayce is the team's tech specialist. She uses her top notch military training to service and stock equipment.
BotBio[5]=Little is known about Ramirez. He is an ace sniper, but his tour of duty is entirely classified.
BotBio[6]=Tanya acts as a competition scout for the Blood Reavers. Their success lies not only in their experience, but in their gathered intelligence.
BotBio[7]=Graves fled the NEG security forces after being suspended for excessive use of force. He now applies that force towards the goals of the Reavers.

WeaponDescription=Classification: Melee Blade\n\nPrimary Fire: When the trigger is held down, the chain covered blade will rev up. Drive this blade into opponents to inflict massive damage.\n\nSecondary Fire: The revved up blade can be swung horizontally and can cause instant decapitation of foes.\n\nTechniques: The chainsaw makes a loud and recognizable roar and can be avoided by listening for audio cues.
DeathMessage=%k ripped into %o with a blood soaked %w.
PickupMessage=Its been five years since I've seen one of these.

AckString[0]=Got it
AckString[2]=On my way
FFireString[0]=Hey! Same team!
FFireString[1]=I'm on your team, you idiot!
FFireAbbrev[1]=On your team!
TauntString[0]=Eat that!
TauntString[1]=You like that?
TauntString[4]=Burn, baby
TauntString[5]=You suck!
TauntString[6]=Die, bitch.
TauntString[9]=Oh, yeah!
TauntString[10]=That had to hurt.
TauntString[11]=Dirt bag!
TauntString[12]=My house!
TauntString[13]=Bite me!
TauntString[14]=I'm on fire!
TauntString[16]=Ha ha ha!
TauntString[17]=You be dead!
TauntString[20]=See ya!
TauntString[21]=Target eliminated.
TauntString[22]=Anyone else want some?
TauntString[23]=Got 'im!
TauntString[24]=And stay down!
TauntAbbrev[22]=Anyone else?
OrderString[0]=Defend the base.
OrderString[1]=Hold this position.
OrderString[2]=Assault the base.
OrderString[3]=Cover me.
OrderString[4]=Engage according to operational parameters.
OrderString[10]=Take their flag.
OrderString[11]=Search and destroy.
otherstring[0]=Base is uncovered!
otherstring[1]=Somebody get our flag back!
otherstring[2]=I've got the flag.
otherstring[3]=I've got your back.
otherstring[4]=I'm hit!
otherstring[5]=Man down!
otherstring[6]=I'm under heavy attack!
otherstring[7]=You got point.
otherstring[8]=I've got our flag.
otherstring[9]=I'm in position.
otherstring[10]=Hang in there.
otherstring[11]=Control point is secure.
otherstring[12]=Enemy flag carrier is here.
otherstring[13]=I need some backup.
otherstring[15]=I've got your back.
otherstring[16]=Objective destroyed.
OtherAbbrev[1]=Get our flag!
OtherAbbrev[2]=Got the flag.
OtherAbbrev[3]=Got your back.
OtherAbbrev[6]=Under attack!
OtherAbbrev[8]=Got our flag.
OtherAbbrev[9]=In position.
OtherAbbrev[11]=Point is secure.
OtherAbbrev[12]=Enemy carrier here.
OtherAbbrev[15]=Got your back.

PickupMessage=You got the Thigh Pads.
ItemName=Thigh Pads

PickupMessage=You got the Body Armor.
ItemName=Body Armor

OvertimeMessage=Score tied at the end of regulation. Sudden Death Overtime!!!
GlobalNameChange=changed name to
NewTeamMessage=is now on

MenuName=Male Soldier

TeamName=Black Legion
TeamBio=A powerful team of Necris Phayder assassins that seek to dominate the Tournament. By destroying Xan Kriegor, the corrupt Tournament Champion, the Legion believes it can take control of Liandri operations.
BotClassifications[0]=Phayder Assassin
BotClassifications[1]=Phayder Assassin
BotClassifications[2]=Necris Blademaiden
BotClassifications[3]=Phayder Assassin
BotClassifications[4]=Phayder Assassin
BotClassifications[5]=Phayder Master
BotClassifications[6]=Necris Blademaiden
BotClassifications[7]=Phayder Assassin
BotBio[0]=Cryss, like Visse, takes pleasure in destruction. Unlike her Blood Sister, however, she is less likely to be overcome by a berserker rage. Distance weapons and silent tactics are her favorite.
BotBio[1]=Known as the 'Star Slayer,' Kragoth is a dread assassin of the Phayder secret society. He is rumored to have single handedly killed the entire crew of an ICV Star Cruiser. Liandri will neither confirm nor deny this information.
BotBio[2]=A Blademaiden of the highest order, Freylis is a skilled and experienced warrior. She understands team tactics well and will always be where her team needs her the most.
BotBio[3]=Malakai fights for glory and destruction. He, like many Necris, believe that every emotion is to be savored, every nuance of pain divine.
BotBio[4]=Seeking only pleasure in the pain of others, Visse rends her enemies with relentless fervor.
BotBio[5]=Necroth is Phayder Master for the Black Legion. Each Necris Master serves as a sort of dark chaplain, maintaining the morale of the group.
BotBio[6]=Malise, like her name implies, is an embodiment of hate. If she was not so closely watched by Necroth, she would turn upon even her own bretheren.
BotBio[7]=Grail is the most educated member of the Legion. He quietly bides his time, waiting for the right moment to take control.

AckString[0]=Got it
AckString[2]=On my way
FFireString[0]=I'm on your team!
FFireString[1]=Same team!
FFireAbbrev[0]=On your team!
TauntString[0]=Bow down!
TauntString[1]=Die, human.
TauntString[2]=Target lifeform eliminated.
TauntString[3]=You die too easily.
TauntString[5]=Fear me.
TauntString[6]=You are inferior.
TauntString[7]=You are obsolete.
TauntString[8]=I am the alpha and the omega.
TauntString[9]=Run, human.
TauntString[10]=Step aside.
TauntString[11]=I am superior.
TauntString[12]=Witness my perfection.
TauntString[14]=My house.
TauntString[16]=Burn, baby
TauntString[17]=Anyone else want some?
TauntString[18]=That had to hurt.
TauntString[19]=I'm on fire
TauntAbbrev[2]=Target lifeform.
OrderString[0]=Defend the base.
OrderString[1]=Hold this position.
OrderString[2]=Assault the base.
OrderString[3]=Cover me.
OrderString[4]=Engage according to operational parameters.
OrderString[10]=Take their flag.
OrderString[11]=Search and destroy.
otherstring[0]=Base is uncovered!
otherstring[1]=Get our flag back!
otherstring[2]=I've got the flag.
otherstring[3]=I've got your back.
otherstring[4]=I'm hit!
otherstring[5]=Man down!
otherstring[6]=I'm under heavy attack!
otherstring[7]=You got point.
otherstring[8]=I've got our flag.
otherstring[9]=I'm in position.
otherstring[10]=Hang in there.
otherstring[11]=Control point is secure.
otherstring[12]=Enemy flag carrier is here.
otherstring[13]=I need some backup.
otherstring[15]=I've got your back.
otherstring[16]=Objective destroyed.
OtherAbbrev[1]=Get our flag!
OtherAbbrev[2]=Got the flag.
OtherAbbrev[3]=Got your back.
OtherAbbrev[6]=Under attack!
OtherAbbrev[8]=Got our flag.
OtherAbbrev[9]=In position.
OtherAbbrev[11]=Point is secure.
OtherAbbrev[12]=Enemy carrier here.
OtherAbbrev[15]=Got your back.

AckString[0]=Got it
AckString[2]=On my way
AckString[3]=I'm on it.
FFireString[0]=Hey! Same team!
FFireString[1]=I'm on your team, you idiot!
FFireAbbrev[1]=On your team!
TauntString[0]=Eat that!
TauntString[1]=You like that?
TauntString[2]=Yeah, bitch!
TauntString[4]=Burn, baby
TauntString[5]=Lets Rock!
TauntString[6]=Die, bitch.
TauntString[8]=Nailed 'im.
TauntString[9]=That was nasty.
TauntString[11]=Oh, yeah!
TauntString[12]=I just slaughtered that guy.
TauntString[15]=You suck!
TauntAbbrev[12]=Slaughtered him.
OrderString[0]=Defend the base.
OrderString[1]=Hold this position.
OrderString[2]=Assault the base.
OrderString[3]=Cover me.
OrderString[4]=Engage according to operational parameters.
OrderString[10]=Take their flag.
OrderString[11]=Search and destroy.
otherstring[0]=Base is uncovered!
otherstring[1]=Somebody get our flag back!
otherstring[2]=I've got the flag.
otherstring[3]=I've got your back.
otherstring[4]=I'm hit!
otherstring[5]=Man down!
otherstring[6]=I'm under heavy attack!
otherstring[7]=You got point.
otherstring[8]=I've got our flag.
otherstring[9]=I'm in position.
otherstring[10]=On my way.
otherstring[11]=Control point is secure.
otherstring[12]=Enemy flag carrier is here.
otherstring[13]=I need some backup.
otherstring[14]=Take them down.
otherstring[15]=I've got you covered.
otherstring[16]=Objective destroyed.
OtherAbbrev[1]=Get our flag!
OtherAbbrev[2]=Got the flag.
OtherAbbrev[3]=Got your back.
OtherAbbrev[6]=Under attack!
OtherAbbrev[8]=Got our flag.
OtherAbbrev[9]=In position.
OtherAbbrev[11]=Point is secure.
OtherAbbrev[12]=Enemy carrier here.
OtherAbbrev[15]=Got you covered.

MenuName=Male Commando

AckString[0]=Got it
AckString[1]=Roger that
AckString[2]=On my way
FFireString[0]=Same team!
FFireString[1]=I'm on your team, idiot!
FFireAbbrev[1]=On your team!
TauntString[0]=Eat that!
TauntString[2]=Got him!
TauntString[3]=That had to hurt!
TauntString[4]=Anyone else want some?
TauntString[6]=Burn, baby!
TauntString[7]=Die, bitch.
TauntString[8]=You suck!
TauntString[9]=You like that?
TauntString[12]=Oh yeah!
TauntString[13]=Tag, you're it!
TauntString[14]=Sit down!
TauntString[15]=I just slaughtered that guy!
TauntString[16]=I'm sorry, did I blow your head apart?
TauntString[17]=Squeal boy, squeal!
TauntString[18]=And stay down.
TauntString[21]=Lets rock!
TauntAbbrev[3]=Had to hurt!
TauntAbbrev[4]=Anyone else?
TauntAbbrev[15]=Slaughtered him.
TauntAbbrev[16]=I'm sorry.
OrderString[0]=Defend the base.
OrderString[1]=Hold this position.
OrderString[2]=Assault the base.
OrderString[3]=Cover me.
OrderString[4]=Engage according to operational parameters.
OrderString[10]=Take their flag.
OrderString[11]=Search and destroy.
otherstring[0]=Base is uncovered!
otherstring[1]=Somebody get our flag back!
otherstring[2]=I've got the flag.
otherstring[3]=I've got your back.
otherstring[4]=I'm hit! I'm hit!
otherstring[5]=Man down!
otherstring[6]=I'm under heavy attack!
otherstring[7]=You got point.
otherstring[8]=I've got our flag.
otherstring[9]=I'm in position.
otherstring[10]=Hang in there.
otherstring[11]=Control point is secure.
otherstring[12]=Enemy flag carrier is here.
otherstring[13]=I need some backup.
otherstring[15]=I've got your back.
otherstring[16]=Objective destroyed.
OtherAbbrev[1]=Get our flag!
OtherAbbrev[2]=Got the flag.
OtherAbbrev[3]=Got your back.
OtherAbbrev[6]=Under attack!
OtherAbbrev[8]=Got our flag.
OtherAbbrev[9]=In position.
OtherAbbrev[11]=Point is secure.
OtherAbbrev[12]=Enemy carrier here.
OtherAbbrev[15]=Got your back.

AckString[0]=Got it
AckString[1]=Roger that
AckString[2]=On my way
FFireString[0]=Same team!
FFireString[1]=I'm on your team!
FFireAbbrev[1]=On your team!
TauntString[0]=Eat that!
TauntString[2]=Got him!
TauntString[3]=That had to hurt!
TauntString[4]=Try a bigger gun.
TauntString[6]=Burn, baby!
TauntString[7]=Die, bitch.
TauntString[8]=Too easy!
TauntString[9]=You like that?
TauntString[10]=You suck!
TauntString[12]=Oh yeah!
TauntString[13]=Try turning the safety off.
TauntString[16]=Anyone else want some?
TauntString[18]=And stay down!
TauntString[19]=Learn how to aim!
TauntString[21]=Dirt bag!
TauntString[23]=See ya!
TauntString[24]=My house!
TauntString[25]=Target eliminated.
TauntAbbrev[13]=Turn the safety off.
TauntAbbrev[16]=Anyone else?
OrderString[0]=Defend the base.
OrderString[1]=Hold this position.
OrderString[2]=Assault the base.
OrderString[3]=Cover me.
OrderString[4]=Engage according to operational parameters.
OrderString[10]=Take their flag.
OrderString[11]=Search and destroy.
otherstring[0]=Base is uncovered!
otherstring[1]=Somebody get our flag back!
otherstring[2]=I've got the flag.
otherstring[3]=I've got your back.
otherstring[4]=I'm hit! I'm hit!
otherstring[5]=Man down!
otherstring[6]=I'm under heavy attack!
otherstring[7]=You got point.
otherstring[8]=I've got our flag.
otherstring[9]=I'm in position.
otherstring[10]=Hang in there.
otherstring[11]=Control point is secure.
otherstring[12]=Enemy flag carrier is here.
otherstring[13]=I need some backup.
otherstring[15]=I've got your back.
otherstring[16]=Objective is destroyed.
OtherAbbrev[1]=Get our flag!
OtherAbbrev[2]=Got the flag.
OtherAbbrev[3]=Got your back.
OtherAbbrev[6]=Under attack!
OtherAbbrev[8]=Got our flag.
OtherAbbrev[9]=In position.
OtherAbbrev[11]=Point is secure.
OtherAbbrev[12]=Enemy carrier here.
OtherAbbrev[15]=Got your back.

ExpireMessage=The AntiGrav Boots have drained.
PickupMessage=You picked up the AntiGrav boots.
ItemName=AntiGrav Boots

EndSpreeNote='s killing spree was ended by
EndSelfSpree=was looking good till he killed himself!
EndFemaleSpree=was looking good till she killed herself!
spreenote[0]=is on a killing spree!
spreenote[1]=is on a rampage!
spreenote[2]=is dominating!
spreenote[3]=is unstoppable!
spreenote[4]=is Godlike!

MenuName=Female Commando

GameName=Tournament DarkMatch

FragGoal=Capture Limit:

DoubleKillString=Double Kill!
TripleKillString=Triple Kill!
MultiKillString=Multi Kill!
UltraKillString=ULTRA KILL!!
MonsterKillString=M O N S T E R  K I L L !!!

MenuName=Female Soldier

PickupMessage=You picked up 50 bullets.
ItemName=Large Bullets

AssaultCondition=Assault the Base!
FragGoal=Score Limit:

YouHaveFlagString=You have the flag, return to base!
EnemyHasFlagString=The enemy has your flag, recover it!

ExpireMessage=Invisibility has worn off.
PickupMessage=You have Invisibility.

PickupMessage=You got a box of rifle rounds.
ItemName=Box of Rifle Rounds

TeamName=Thunder Crash
TeamBio=Thunder Crash is the current big city favorite. Sporting a calculated balance of strength and style, they always manage to crush the opposition and look good at the same time.
BotClassifications[2]=Chem Killer
BotBio[0]=Once a trader for the Cyron Financial Commission, Othello became a suicidal pit fighter following the mysterious death of his wife.
BotBio[1]=Johnson was hired out of the black market slave trade to serve as bodyguard to the powerful arms smuggler Jihan Nyhn. He is strong and has an extreme amount of endurance.
BotBio[2]=FenTech's finest creation, Malcom is an engineered warrior enhanced by chemicals. Adrenaline stimulants, synaptic catalysts, and impulse regulators combine to create a superhuman killing machine.
BotBio[3]=Kulgan's combat abilities are second only to his presense of character. When he's not trying to seduce the ladies, he'll be in the arena, pulse gun in hand.
BotBio[4]=Riker is a walking fusion of tactics and style. He always tries to find new ways of killing his opponents and has won multiple awards for creative improvisation.


PickupMessage=You picked up a Shock Core.
ItemName=Shock Core

FirstBloodString=drew first blood!

YouKilled=You killed
ScoreString=Your Score:

YouWereKilledBy=You were killed by

TeamBio=Venom is an elite faction of warriors and athletes. Every member is female and all fight solely for their own enjoyment.
BotClassifications[4]=Chem Killer
BotBio[0]=Athena fights for the sake of the battle. Her eyes sharp and her mind focused only on victory. She will not confide in the rest of Venom, but something drives her solely towards victory.
BotBio[1]=Cilia fights for perfection of self. She sees the Tournament as the greatest standard of physical strength devised and seeks to master it as she seeks to master herself.
BotBio[2]=Unknown to her battle sisters, Sarena is the result of a complex mindcontrol experiment by the NEG. She fights not of her own volition, but as a test of government conditioning.
BotBio[3]=Tara is the athletic model of the new era. She is strong, quick, and intelligent. She wields all weapons with equal proficiency and studies many forms of battle.
BotBio[4]=Zanna is a prototype chem warrior developed by FenTech Incorporated. Her considerable physical strength is augmented by a constant flow of synaptic catalysts and endorphins.
BotBio[5]=Lovelace left behind the corporate world to seek a new life of physical perfection. She studies the martial and tactical arts under the direction of Cilia.
BotBio[6]=Xyra sees herself as a sort of superhero. Fighting in the Tournament as a symbol against the NEG's oppressive policies.
BotBio[7]=No known description.

TeamName=Raw Steel
TeamBio=Only men are allowed in the fighting force known as 'Raw Steel.' An amalgamation of human muscle and polyfoam metals, 'Raw Steel' upholds strength and power over all other virtues.
BotBio[0]=Slain is the founder of Raw Steel. He understands that the success of the team lies not only in their physical strength, but in their crowd pleasing 'pro-wrestling' style.
BotBio[1]=Manwell is the strongest of the Raw Steel. He uses a custom mixture of biochem enhancements to keep his power level at a maximum at all times.
BotBio[2]=Kregore is a rough dude. Having survived multiple Tournament championships, he knows the venues well and is the most experienced Raw Steel warrior.
BotBio[3]=Bruce is all about style. He'll often stop in the middle of a fight to make side comments towards the nearest holocam. A favorite among the inner worlds.
BotBio[4]=Arkon left the NEG security forces after Raw Steel offered him a position. He never liked the military and finds the Tournaments lack of rules more his kind of fighting.
BotBio[5]=Rolph is the weakest of the team, but is still very tough by normal human standards. What he lacks in brute force he makes up in raw speed and endurance.
BotBio[6]=Arnold is an ex-movie stunt man turned Tournament combatant. He is always in search of the biggest and toughest thrill and the Tournament fulfills his needs completely.
BotBio[7]=No known description.

GameName=Lightning DeathMatch

MapTitle[0]=AS Tutorial
MapTitle[2]=High Speed
MapTitle[5]=Ocean Floor
MapDescription[0]=Learn the basic rules of Assault in this special training environment. Test your skills against an untrained enemy before entering the tournament proper.
MapDescription[1]=A somewhat antiquated Earth warship, the restored SS Victory is still seaworthy. A dual security system prevents intruders from activating the guns by only allowing crew members to open the control room portal. However, should the aft boiler be damaged beyond repair the door will auto-release, allowing access to anyone.
MapDescription[2]=Always looking to entertain the public, LC refitted this 200 mph high speed train for Tournament purposes. This time the combatants will have the added danger of being able to fall off a train. Get your popcorn out people and enjoy the show!
MapDescription[3]="This ancient castle, nestled in the highlands of Romania, was purchased by Xan Kriegor as a personal training ground for his opponents, hoping to cull the best of the best to challenge him. The attacking team must open the main gates and escape the castle by breaking free the main winch in the library and throwing the gatehouse lever, while the defending team must prevent their escape."
MapDescription[4]=Nestled deep within the foothills of the jungle planet Zeus 6 lies Mazon Fortress, a seemingly impregnable stronghold. Deep within the bowels of the base resides an enormous shard of the rare and volatile element Tarydium. The shard is levitating between two enormous electron rods above a pool of superconductive swamp water.
MapDescription[5]=Oceanfloor Station5, built by universities around the globe for deep sea research, almost ran out of money when LC came to the rescue. Jerl Liandri President LC: 'If we can't ensure education for our children, what will come of this world?'
MapDescription[6]=The tournament organizers at Liandri have decided that the recreation of arguably the Earth's most violent war would create the perfect arena of combat. Storming the beaches of Normandy in WWII was chosen in particular because of the overwhelming odds facing each member of the attacking force. Defending this beach, however, will prove to be no less of a daunting task.

ControlPointStr=Control Point
ControlledBy=now controlled by

OutMessage=is OUT!

TimeMessage[0]=5 minutes left in the game!
TimeMessage[2]=3 minutes left in the game!
TimeMessage[3]=2 minutes left in the game!
TimeMessage[4]=1 minute left in the game!
TimeMessage[5]=30 seconds left!
TimeMessage[6]=10 seconds left!
TimeMessage[11]=5 seconds and counting...

DecapitationString=Head Shot!!

PickupMessage=You picked up 10 Flak Shells.
ItemName=Flak Shells

FragGoal=Score Limit:

TeamName=Dark Phalanx
TeamBio=The Dark Phalanx are an honorable collection of military specialists. All have proven themselves in the Human/Skaarj war and now seek glory in the ranks of the Tournament.
BotClassifications[0]=Dark Phalanx Leader
BotClassifications[1]=Dark Phalanx
BotClassifications[2]=Dark Phalanx
BotClassifications[3]=Dark Phalanx
BotClassifications[4]=Dark Phalanx
BotClassifications[5]=Dark Phalanx
BotClassifications[6]=Dark Phalanx
BotClassifications[7]=Dark Phalanx
BotBio[0]=Ivana is a self-taught warrior who hooked up with the Dark Phalanx when she heard about Gorn's story of overcoming the odds on Neurovision one evening while training. So deeply moved, she decided to join the team, fighting alongside Gorn.
BotBio[1]=Farham fought with the Earth Defense Force during the '7 Day Siege,' Earth's darkest hour during the war. He was soley responsible for the destruction of the Skaarj Skri'ith Class Dreadnaught 'Krujhlok' and is a highly decorated veteran.
BotBio[2]=Nikita was trained in the construction and maintenence of heavy weaponry and demolitions. She maintains the Dark Phalanx armory.
BotBio[3]=Gorn was a charismatic fighter until he got his face damaged beyond recognition during the '7 Day Siege'. Unable to restore his good looks, medical specialists fitted him with highly advanced implants which restored his senses.
BotBio[4]=An ex black ops runner for the New Earth Government, Anna went rogue after being given a series of particulary brutal missions. She now seeks to defeat Xan and bring down the Liandri Corporation and the NEG.
BotBio[5]=Whitman is a former Neo-Cop from Outpost Glosk who decided to trade the anarchy of street duty for the organized chaos of the Tournament. His street experience makes him a world class arena fighter and a worthwhile ally.
BotBio[6]=Iyrash left the Glosk Neo-Cop forces with Whitman. She has served by his side for five years and will continue to fight wherever he takes his personal battles.
BotBio[7]=No known description.

TeamName=Raw Steel
TeamBio=Only men are allowed in the fighting force known as 'Raw Steel.' An amalgamation of human muscle and polyfoam metals, 'Raw Steel' upholds strength and power over all other virtues.
BotBio[0]=Slain is the founder of Raw Steel. He understands that the success of the team lies not only in their physical strength, but in their crowd pleasing 'pro-wrestling' style.
BotBio[1]=Manwell is the strongest of the Raw Steel. He uses a custom mixture of biochem enhancements to keep his power level at a maximum at all times.
BotBio[2]=Kregore is a rough dude. Having survived multiple Tournament championships, he knows the venues well and is the most experienced Raw Steel warrior.
BotBio[3]=Bruce is all about style. He'll often stop in the middle of a fight to make side comments towards the nearest holocam. A favorite among the inner worlds.
BotBio[4]=Arkon left the NEG security forces after Raw Steel offered him a position. He never liked the military and finds the Tournaments lack of rules more his kind of fighting.
BotBio[5]=Rolph is the weakest of the team, but is still very tough by normal human standards. What he lacks in brute force he makes up in raw speed and endurance.
BotBio[6]=Arnold is an ex-movie stunt man turned Tournament combatant. He is always in search of the biggest and toughest thrill and the Tournament fulfills his needs completely.
BotBio[7]=No known description.

PickupMessage=You picked up a rocket pack.

PickupMessage=You picked up a Pulse Cell.
ItemName=Pulse Cell

PickupMessage=You picked up an enhanced Shock Core.
ItemName=Enhanced Shock Core

PickupMessage=You picked up the Biosludge Ammo.
ItemName=Biosludge Ammo

PickupMessage=You picked up some Razor Blades.
ItemName=Blade Hopper

PickupMessage=You picked up the Big Keg O' Health +
ItemName=Super Health Pack

PickupMessage=You picked up a Health Vial +
ItemName=Health Vial

PickupMessage=You picked up a clip.

MapTitle[0]=CTF Tutorial
MapTitle[2]=Facing Worlds
MapTitle[3]=Eternal Cave
MapTitle[5]=The Gauntlet
MapTitle[7]=Last Command
MapTitle[8]=The Lava Giant
MapTitle[9]=November Sub Pen
MapDescription[0]=Learn the basic rules and systems of Capture the Flag in this special training environment. Test your skills against an untrained enemy team before entering the tournament proper.
MapDescription[1]=An experimental orbital nuclear reactor, abandoned after funding for the project dried up. High radiation levels and waste leakage offer an environmental challenge for Tournament combatants.
MapDescription[2]=This ancient asteroid has been converted to an Arena for the Tournament. It is highly dangerous due to aberrant gravitational properties and, of course, the snipers from the other team.
MapDescription[3]=Ruins belonging to an unknown race, acquired by Liandri Corporation's Xenobiology Division for research and excavation. Deemed a 'valuable and entertaining venue' by the Tournament Board after 17 XD archeologists fell to their deaths.
MapDescription[4]=Built into a mountaintop on the Coret moon, this facility was once the waypoint between the Interstellar zonegate in orbit over the moon and the Zeto Research Station located half the moon away in the frozen wastes.
MapDescription[5]=Not all environments are retrofitted Liandri real estate. The Gauntlet is one of a small number of highly stylized combat arenas specifically designed for the Tournament. This particular venue has been customized for teamplay.
MapDescription[6]=The distant wastemarsh of Vandaron 3 is said to be the wettest place in the galaxy. A post dreaded by soldiers due to its remote location, cramped quarters, and maddening echo of ever beating rain.
MapDescription[7]=The Last Command is a fully functional Nuclear Processing Station owned by the Liandri Corporation. This facility's system oriented layout makes an ideal proving grounds for Capture the Flag Tournament matches. High Tech voluminous industrial architecture paired with curving maintenance corridors means fighting here will require quick reaction times if your team plans on surviving.
MapDescription[8]=This volatile world has an extremely low orbit around a superdense gas giant. The resulting gravitational forces have caused the planetary mantle to collapse. Combatants are issued special gravbelts for each match.
MapDescription[9]=Battle around a retired November class nuclear submarine docked in an underground pen. This relic, left from the First Cold War, still includes machinegun nests and defensive positions key to victory.

MapTitle[0]=DOM Tutorial
MapDescription[0]=Learn the basic rules and systems of Domination in this special training environment. Test your skills against an untrained enemy team before entering the tournament proper.
MapDescription[1]=Despite worldwide protests, this historical landmark is now owned by Liandri. Jerl Liandri, President Liandri Mining Corporation: 'We owe it to the people to ensure quality cultural events. We won't settle for less.'

ItemName=Double Enforcers

MapTitle[0]=DOM Tutorial
MapDescription[0]=Learn the basic rules and systems of Domination in this special training environment. Test your skills against an untrained enemy team before entering the tournament proper.
MapDescription[1]=The many gang-related fights that ravaged this particular area have already proven this section of the city slums to be a bloody battle ground. The Liandri organizers are expecting this to be the case once again, only this time, as a tournament domination arena.
MapDescription[2]=A newly constructed explosion testing facility, Ghardhen Labs houses two blast chambers. Unfortunately, one of the silent investors was a Liandri location scout, and Ghardhen fell to Liandri.
MapDescription[3]=One of the few 'manufactured' Tournament arenas, this ancient-seeming ruin was built by the legendary Tournament Master Kilbragh as a personal training facility. After his death, the property reverted to Liandri, who now makes full use of it.
MapDescription[4]=After dozens of broken legs and incinerated employees, the Cinder Foundry was finally shut down and placed upon the auction block, where it was promptly snatched up by a savvy Liandri location scout.
MapDescription[5]=New peace treaties by the NEG have resulted in many abandoned military facilities. Gearbolt was once an underground storage base for military weapons and inventory.
MapDescription[6]=An old leadworks on the wrong side of the tracks is excellent place for a war. You can expect molten lead still pooled in some areas of this facility. Step lightly if you plan on being effective.
MapDescription[7]=This ancient temple was sacred to the race that built it, but not to Liandri.  Upon discovering it nestled in the mountains above the Eternal Cave, desecrated it for battle.
MapDescription[8]=Despite worldwide protests, this historical landmark is now owned by Liandri. Jerl Liandri, President Liandri Mining Corporation: 'We owe it to the people to ensure quality cultural events. We won't settle for less.'
MapDescription[9]=This oil rig has been converted into a Domination Arena. It is located near strange meteorological phenomenon in the northern reaches of Kryllia. Use the architecture to dominate your opponents.

MapTitle[0]=DM Tutorial
MapDescription[0]=Learn the basic rules of Deathmatch in this special training environment. Test your skills against an untrained enemy before entering the tournament proper.
MapDescription[1]=A decaying water-treatment facility that has been purchased for use in the Tourney, the Turbine Facility offers an extremely tight and fast arena for combatants which ensures that there is no running, and no hiding, from certain death.
MapDescription[2]=This Martian space station is caught between Mars and it's satellite Phobos, resulting in a chaotic rotation. Fortunately, the gravity generators are working well enough to lend a fast paced rhythm to deathmatch.
MapDescription[3]=LMC knew they had found an excellent arena at the very top of a newly constructed Galaxyscraper SuperStructure. Thanks to the modern miracle of super tensile solids, these three buildings reach a staggering 12 miles high at their pinnacle. The thin atmosphere and reduced influence of Earth's gravity provide an interesting test of the tournament athlete's ability to adapt and conquer in extreme environments.
MapDescription[4]=The Tempest Facility was built specifically for the Tournament. It was designed strictly for arena combat, with multi-layered areas and tiny hiding spots. It is a personal training arena of Xan Kriegor and sits high above the sprawling Reconstructed New York City.

MapTitle[0]=DM Tutorial
MapDescription[0]=Learn the basic rules of Deathmatch in this special training environment. Test your skills against an untrained enemy before entering the tournament proper.
MapDescription[1]=The ITV Oblivion is one of Liandri's armored transport ships. It transports new contestants via hyperspace jump from the Initiation Chambers to their first events on Earth. Little do most fighters know, however, that the ship itself is a battle arena.
MapDescription[2]=Jerl Liandri purchased this old mechanic's garage as a possible tax dump for his fledgling company, Liandri Mining. Now, Liandri Corp. has converted it into a battle arena. While not very complex, it still manages to claim more lives than the slums of the city in which it lies.
MapDescription[3]=LMC public polls have found that the majority of Tournament viewers enjoy fights in 'Real Life' locations. This converted plasma reactor is one such venue. Fighters should take care, as the plasma energy beams will become accessible through the 'Fractal Portal' if any of the yellow LED triggers on the floor are shot.
MapDescription[4]=A decaying water-treatment facility that has been purchased for use in the Tourney, the Turbine Facility offers an extremely tight and fast arena for combatants which ensures that there is no running, and no hiding, from certain death.
MapDescription[5]=The Codex of Wisdom was to be a fantastic resource for knowledge seeking beings all across the galaxy. It was to be the last place in known space where one could access rare books in their original printed form. However, when the construction crew accidentally tapped into a magma flow, the project was aborted and sold to Liandri at a bargain price for combat purposes.
MapDescription[6]=The booby trap is a time honored tradition and a favorite among Tournament viewers. Many Liandri mining facilities offer such 'interactive' hazards.
MapDescription[7]=A former Liandri smelting facility, this complex has proven to be one of the bloodiest arenas for tournament participants. Lovingly called the Heavy Metal Grinder, those who enter can expect nothing less than brutal seek and destroy action.
MapDescription[8]=The indigenous people of Koos World are waterborne and find there to be no more fitting an arena than this ancient transport galleon.
MapDescription[9]=The Tempest Facility was built specifically for the Tournament. It was designed strictly for arena combat, with multi-layered areas and tiny hiding spots. It is a personal training arena of Xan Kriegor and sits high above the sprawling Reconstructed New York City.
MapDescription[10]=A mysterious and ancient alien castle that hovers above an electrical storm, Orion's Barricade makes for a delightfully dangerous arena of battle.
MapDescription[11]=A textbook Liandri ore processing facility located at Earth's Mohorovicic discontinuity roughly below Mexico. Phased ion shields hold back the intense heat and pressure characteristic of deep lithosphere mining.
MapDescription[12]=This refinery makes for a particularly well balanced arena. A multilevel central chamber keeps fighters on their toes while the nearby smelting tub keeps them toasty.
MapDescription[13]=Originally built by the Nipi Monks in Nepal to escape moral degradation, this serene and beautiful place once called for meditation; until Liandri acquired it for perfect tournament conditions.

MenuName=Male Soldier

MenuName=Male Commando

MenuName=Female Soldier

MenuName=Female Commando

MapDescription[0]=This Martian space station is caught between Mars and it's satellite Phobos, resulting in a chaotic rotation. Fortunately, the gravity generators are working well enough to lend a fast paced rhythm to deathmatch.
MapDescription[1]=LMC knew they had found an excellent arena at the very top of a newly constructed Galaxyscraper SuperStructure. Thanks to the modern miracle of super tensile solids, these three buildings reach a staggering 12 miles high at their pinnacle. The thin atmosphere and reduced influence of Earth's gravity provide an interesting test of the tournament athlete's ability to adapt and conquer in extreme environments.
MapDescription[2]=Liandri Corp., in an attempt to recoup financial losses from a failed research station on the arctic moon of Coret, has converted this frozen outpost into a Tournament arena.
MapDescription[3]=Thanks to Magnetic Anti-Vacuum Resonance technology, combatants are able to battle outside of Xan's 'HyperBlast' ArenaShip for an extended period of time. Use extreme caution though, one mistake and you'll find yourself floating in space.

MapTitle[0]=CTF Tutorial
MapDescription[0]=Learn the basic rules and systems of Capture the Flag in this special training environment. Test your skills against an untrained enemy team before entering the tournament proper.
MapDescription[1]=Built into a mountaintop on the Coret moon, this facility was once the waypoint between the Interstellar zonegate in orbit over the moon and the Zeto Research Station located half the moon away in the frozen wastes.

PickupMessage=You got a rifle round.
ItemName=Rifle Round


BotNames[1]=Doc Zenith
BotClassifications[0]=Chem Killer
BotClassifications[3]=Veteran Soldier
Bio[0]=FenTech's finest creation, Malcom is an engineered warrior enhanced by chemicals. Adrenaline stimulants, synaptic catalysts, and impulse regulators combine to create a superhuman killing machine.
Bio[1]=The Doc is back and he's looking to rip you open.  Watch out, he's just off of a seven game victory streak and is looking to add you to his list of victims.
Bio[2]=Riker is a walking fusion of tactics and style. He always tries to find new ways of killing his opponents and has won multiple awards for creative improvisation.
Bio[3]=A lucky second place in the Denarian playoffs has brought Bruce back for another round.  This guy is getting tedious...wipe him out!
Bio[4]=You just can't stop these new style chem warriors.  Darhl is running low on strength, you can finish him now once and for all.

BotClassifications[0]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[3]=Veteran Soldier
Bio[0]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
Bio[1]=Genghis takes his name from a conquerer of old. He proclaims himself 'Ruler of the Eastern Expanse' come to forge a new Empire. In reality, he is a petty freight raider sentenced to fight in the Tournament for his crimes.
Bio[2]=Deslok is the clan mate of Drimacus. Although weaker than his warrior-brother, Deslok is a competent fighter and will prove a worthy opponent.
Bio[3]=Bruce is all about style. He'll often stop in the middle of a fight to make side comments towards the nearest holocam. A favorite among the inner worlds.

BotNames[1]=Doc Zenith
BotClassifications[0]=Chem Killer
BotClassifications[3]=Veteran Soldier
Bio[0]=FenTech's finest creation, Malcom is an engineered warrior enhanced by chemicals. Adrenaline stimulants, synaptic catalysts, and impulse regulators combine to create a superhuman killing machine.
Bio[1]=Zenith is one of the most skilled warriors the Tournament has ever seen. His fans call him the 'Doc' after the way he systematically dissects his opponents with the Ripper.
Bio[2]=Riker is a walking fusion of tactics and style. He always tries to find new ways of killing his opponents and has won multiple awards for creative improvisation.
Bio[3]=Bruce is all about style. He'll often stop in the middle of a fight to make side comments towards the nearest holocam. A favorite among the inner worlds.
Bio[4]=Somebody pulled Darhl back together after your last brush with him and he's none too happy. Pumped up on the latest custom synthgland enhancers and bioregulators, he's more messed up than ever.

BotClassifications[2]=Veteran Soldier
Bio[0]=Real name unknown, the Slasher is a notorious gang leader. Captured during a skirmish south of Reconstructed New York, there was no question to his participation in the Tournament.
Bio[1]=Rather than face execution at the hands of the Mars Prison Tribunal, Botanika chose to fight in the Tournament. With more than 11 brutal murders to his name, Botanika should have no problem adapting to arena combat.
Bio[2]=Kregore fought with the 47th Mechanized Imperial during the First Necris Invasion. He is a distinguished veteran of modern military operations. Although his skills tend toward the tactical, he is, nonetheless, an excellent hand to hand fighter.
Bio[3]=Skirge is a ruthless murderer and he wouldn't want it any other way. This guy has his wires crossed...deriving pleasure from pain and vice versa. Probably the nastiest mother you'll ever meet.

BotClassifications[1]=Arena Fighter
BotClassifications[3]=Necris Blademaiden
Bio[0]=Arys is a field commander from the 12th Mechanized Imperial. She was selected for Tournament play after she single handedly killed 8 Skaarj with an energy knife during the battle for the Orion Stormwatch Outpost.
Bio[1]=Blake is back and he's pissed. The first time you fought him, he lacked a lot of skill and tone, but now he thinks he can take you on. Show him where to stick it.
Bio[2]=Genghis takes his name from a conquerer of old. He proclaims himself 'Ruler of the Eastern Expanse' come to forge a new Empire. In reality, he is a petty freight raider sentenced to fight in the Tournament for his crimes.
Bio[3]=Kryss isn't out of the Tournament yet. The Necris are persistent and dangerous and she is no exception. Be careful, she is definitely more powerful than before.
Bio[4]=Azure has served six long years on Mars for reasons that are currently classified. She was recently transferred to the Tournament, but no records of her history are available.

Bio[0]=Orphaned after birth, this heartless killer spent years on the street, learning his trade and losing his emotions. The Corrupt had no difficulty in bending his will towards their ends. Now completely void of human feeling, Damascus is an unstoppable machine.
Bio[1]=The Tournament has a don't ask-don't tell policy on 'enhancement stimulants' and Darhl is known as a frequent abuser of these substances. He plays erratically, often ditching conventional range weapons in favor of the close-combat Impact Hammer.
Bio[2]=Anna is an ex-circus performer who is forced into the tourney for financial reasons and she's none-too-happy about it. As a result, she loves the Ripper because she can juggle her opponents in the air with its explosive alternate fire.
Bio[3]=Suckered into competing in the tournament by his former employers at Liandri Corp., this poor ex-miner stands no chance of winning the tournament. He is lost in despair and will do anything to kill an enemy, regardless of the damage to himself.
Bio[4]=Captured and forced into the slave trade, Tajheri made a daring escape and was later picked up by the NEG police and forced to fight in the tourney. She has little fighting experience and will be happy to find any gun at all.

BotClassifications[0]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[2]=Necris Murderer
Bio[0]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
Bio[1]=A former Greek mob executioner on 'extended leave' from his 'family business', Xoleras has a reputation of completely and utterly dominating his opponents. A master of thin ledges and with vision of an eagle, he rarely misses an opportunity to blank an unskilled opponent.
Bio[2]=A ruthlessly skilled murderer who knows every nook and cranny, every bolt, and every weapon location. His aggressive ability to control Tournament arenas makes easy prey out of challengers.

Bio[0]=Archon is a ruthless murderer and he wouldn't want it any other way. This guy has his wires crossed...deriving pleasure from pain and vice versa. Probably the nastiest mother you'll ever meet.
Bio[1]=Occasionally, rich civilians are able to buy their way into the Tournament. The Liandri Rules Board doesn't like to include 'normal' civilians in the games because, frankly, they aren't good enough to be entertaining.
Bio[2]=Criminals make excellent pit fighters. The volatile combination of cabin fever and desperation that a long prison sentence imparts is therapeutic to say the least.
Bio[3]=There isn't much worse than a lawyer, but economists come close. Liandri has discovered that civilians will pay good money to watch economists and other vermin take a beating.

BotNames[0]=Arkoth 24
BotClassifications[1]=Necris Blademaiden
BotClassifications[2]=Necris Phayder
Bio[0]=Arkoth's history is irrelevant, his memories lost during Liandri conditioning. Now a member of 'The Corrupt,' he serves Xan Kriegor's will without question.
Bio[1]=Many Necris warriors are female. Known as 'Blademaiden,' they fight ruthlessly; favoring cruelly formed bayonets and energy swords. Visse is a Necris prisoner of war made to fight in the Tournament in exchange for her life.
Bio[2]=Also of the Necris, Kragoth is a known member of the 'Phayder' secret society. A brood of assassins and doomsday cultists, the Phayder have declared a sort of guerilla war against Earth.

Bio[0]=Having survived the Wreck of the ISV-Kran, Luthienne was forced to watch all her friends and crewmates die at the hands of the Skaarj until she and 3 others were rescued two years later. Irreparably scarred by her experience, she has entered the Tournament to confront her inner demons and ultimately to silence them through her own death.

BotClassifications[0]=Veteran Soldier
BotClassifications[1]=Demolitions Expert
BotClassifications[3]=Gun Fighter
Bio[0]=Slain fought with the 47th Mechanized Imperial during the First Necris Invasion. He is a distinguished veteran of modern military operations. Although his skills tend toward the tactical, he is, nonetheless, an excellent hand to hand fighter.
Bio[1]=Never send a man to do a woman's job. Annaka is a premier demolitions expert. She masterminded over 20 covert structure hits against the Skaarj in less than a year and advises the NEG 'WetWorks' Board on Amphibious Arms Deployment.
Bio[2]=Many Tournament fighters are criminals given an opportunity to buy their freedom in blood. What they lack in general public appeal is made up for in their numbers.
Bio[3]=An extremely honorable warrior, Lexington is known for only using pistols to fight with. He considers himself above the Tourney and would rather take part in a traditional duel. His aim is legendary, and he becomes twice as lethal when he's got two pistols.

BotClassifications[1]=Necris Blademaiden
Bio[0]=Calameth was kicked from the NEG armed forces after a violent brush with his commanding officer. He has little care for those around him and will fight ruthlessly.
Bio[1]=Member of an alien race known as the 'Necris', Kryss is possessed of a dark beauty. Beware, however, for it hides an even darker mind.

BotClassifications[1]=Veteran Soldier
BotClassifications[2]=Necris Phayder
Bio[0]=Vanessa's psychosis has proven her savior, ripping through ranks of warriors and fighters to get to this point in the ladder.
Bio[1]=Dovienya's field expertise has guided her aim true. Now she has those same sights set on you.
Bio[2]=Liandri suspects Leeb to be behind Phayder operations in the Sol sector. Believed to be responsible for over 543 politically motivated killings. Terminate with extreme prejudice.
Bio[3]=Unlike many other Tournament fighters, Drimacus has earned his position by ascending the lower ladders; fighting his way to the top of the amateur leagues. He is a very experienced and capable warrior.

BotNames[2]=Ice Weasel
BotNames[5]=Toe Cutter
Bio[0]=Although you were victorious over Arys, she has excelled in the losers bracket and returned to the tournament proper.
Bio[1]=In three upset victories last week, Nikki proved that rich civilians can, in fact, be successful in the Tournament. She has learned a lot very quickly and has returned to show you some new tricks.
Bio[2]=Ice Weasel is the codename for Jesse Davis, a 'deep freeze' cold world combat specialist. Able to survive for weeks on melted snow alone, he has mastered control over his mind and body.
Bio[3]=Barktooth just can't be put down. His brute force tactics and disregard for his own well being have paid off as he moves even higher in the tournament ladder.
Bio[4]=Andrew is serving a 30 year sentence for computer related crime. He is an intelligent programmer, systems cracker and hacker. A high breakout risk. Just the kind of guy you don't want to keep in prison very long.
Bio[5]=Real name unknown, the Toe Cutter is a notorious gang leader. Captured during a skirmish south of Reconstructed New York, there was no question to his participation in the Tournament.

Bio[0]=Vanessa was committed at a psychiatric institution at the age of twelve for murdering her parents and brother. This one is a real nut case. She likes to blow her opponents open with a well aimed rocket.
Bio[1]=Rath is more machine than human. Rebuilt from spare parts and what was left of his brain after the Earthstar One incident, his mental instabilities make him an excellent warrior.
Bio[2]=Jayce is an ex-movie stunt woman. Figuring she could do it for real in the tournaments, she joined up and is proficient with any weapon.
Bio[3]=Ex-bodyguard for the famous performer Flabeline Xion. After he confessed to her gruesome murder, the only way out was the Liandri Tournaments. They call him 'the Singer.'

BotClassifications[2]=Veteran Soldier
Bio[0]=Rather than face execution at the hands of the Mars Prison Tribunal, Botanika chose to fight in the Tournament. With more than 11 brutal murders to his name, Botanika should have no problem adapting to arena combat.
Bio[1]=An ex-NEG field commander and energy weapons specialist, Rhea knows combat. She favors the Shock Rifle's accuracy, but is well trained with all modern weapons.
Bio[2]=Born on board the IWV Battlecruiser Ciran-Vega and nursed on the scorched plains of the embattled Skaarj planet of Skrath, Dovienya is a highly experienced warrior. She knows the Tournament arenas better than her peers and learns quickly on the battlefield.
Bio[3]=Barktooth is a madman. Screaming with berserk rage, he would rather rip an opponent to shreds with his bare hands than fight from afar. When forced to use a gun, he favors the Flak Cannon's close range stopping power.
Bio[4]=Deslok is the clan mate of Drimacus. Although weaker than his warrior-brother, Deslok is a competent fighter and will prove a worthy opponent.

BotClassifications[0]=Arena Fighter
Bio[0]=A warrior of some reknown, Blake has fought hard to enter the Tournament. Nonetheless, he lacks tactical finesse and will most likely be the weakest opponent you meet.

BotClassifications[0]=Tournament Champion
Bio[0]=Origin and identity is unknown. Various rumors exist as to who or what Xan is. The most popular rumor being that he is the man who heads up Liandri Corporation and has poured his vast wealth into building the most advanced battle suit ever, solely for maintaining champion status in the Tournament.

BotClassifications[0]=Slave Warrior
BotClassifications[1]=Slave Warrior
BotClassifications[2]=Slave Warrior
BotClassifications[3]=Slave Warrior
BotClassifications[4]=Slave Warrior
Bio[0]=A warrior slave. Member of 'The Corrupt,' a group of reprogrammed warriors who fight for the entertainment of Xan Kriegor.
Bio[1]=A warrior slave. Member of 'The Corrupt,' a group of reprogrammed warriors who fight for the entertainment of Xan Kriegor.
Bio[2]=A warrior slave. Member of 'The Corrupt,' a group of reprogrammed warriors who fight for the entertainment of Xan Kriegor.
Bio[3]=A warrior slave. Member of 'The Corrupt,' a group of reprogrammed warriors who fight for the entertainment of Xan Kriegor.
Bio[4]=A warrior slave. Member of 'The Corrupt,' a group of reprogrammed warriors who fight for the entertainment of Xan Kriegor.

BotClassifications[0]=Slave Warrior
BotClassifications[1]=Slave Warrior
BotClassifications[2]=Slave Warrior
BotClassifications[3]=Slave Warrior
Bio[0]=A warrior slave. Member of 'The Corrupt,' a group of reprogrammed warriors who fight for the entertainment of Xan Kriegor.
Bio[1]=A warrior slave. Member of 'The Corrupt,' a group of reprogrammed warriors who fight for the entertainment of Xan Kriegor.
Bio[2]=A warrior slave. Member of 'The Corrupt,' a group of reprogrammed warriors who fight for the entertainment of Xan Kriegor.
Bio[3]=A warrior slave. Member of 'The Corrupt,' a group of reprogrammed warriors who fight for the entertainment of Xan Kriegor.

BotClassifications[0]=Slave Warrior
BotClassifications[1]=Slave Warrior
BotClassifications[2]=Slave Warrior
BotClassifications[3]=Slave Warrior
BotClassifications[4]=Slave Warrior
Bio[0]=A warrior slave. Member of 'The Corrupt,' a group of reprogrammed warriors who fight for the entertainment of Xan Kriegor.
Bio[1]=A warrior slave. Member of 'The Corrupt,' a group of reprogrammed warriors who fight for the entertainment of Xan Kriegor.
Bio[2]=A warrior slave. Member of 'The Corrupt,' a group of reprogrammed warriors who fight for the entertainment of Xan Kriegor.
Bio[3]=A warrior slave. Member of 'The Corrupt,' a group of reprogrammed warriors who fight for the entertainment of Xan Kriegor.
Bio[4]=A warrior slave. Member of 'The Corrupt,' a group of reprogrammed warriors who fight for the entertainment of Xan Kriegor.

MapDescription[10]=This enormous hydroelectric plant used to power the colonies on Vesuvius 9 until a mysterious virus killed everyone off.  Now that a few years have passed, Liandri official have declared the plant safe for combat (safe is relative to Liandri officials).
MapDescription[11]=The interior of this dual-sided space station may appear complete, but much functionality was never completed when funding ran out due to corrupt contractors and irresponsible administrators.  As usual, the savvy Liandri location scouts caught wind of this and picked the station up at a discount for inclusion in the tourney.

MapDescription[7]=The Nali, an ancient race of four armed aliens, constructed this hidden temple to worship their Gods in secrecy when they were oppressed by the vicious Skaarj aliens.  Unfortunately for the Nali, the Skaarj eventually located the temple and systematically slaughtered every inhabitant.
MapDescription[8]=A former Liandri smelting facility, this complex has proven to be one of the bloodiest arenas for tournament participants. Lovingly called the Heavy Metal Grinder, those who enter can expect nothing less than brutal seek and destroy action.
MapDescription[9]=This small facility is well suited for testing rising tournament favorites in one-on-one combat.
MapDescription[10]=The indigenous people of Koos World are waterborne and find there to be no more fitting an arena than this ancient transport galleon.
MapDescription[11]=The Tempest Facility was built specifically for the Tournament. It was designed strictly for arena combat, with multi-layered areas and tiny hiding spots. It is a personal training arena of Xan Kriegor and sits high above the sprawling Reconstructed New York City.
MapDescription[12]=Tournament coordinators love burnt out factories, foundries, and warehouses because of the natural height and architectural hazards they provide.  With the original name of this burnt-out facility long forgotten, the contestants have morbidly nicknamed this place
MapDescription[13]=A textbook Liandri ore processing facility located at Earth's Mohorovicic discontinuity roughly below Mexico. Phased ion shields hold back the intense heat and pressure characteristic of deep lithosphere mining.
MapDescription[14]=This refinery makes for a particularly well balanced arena. A multilevel central chamber keeps fighters on their toes while the nearby smelting tub keeps them toasty.
MapDescription[15]=Originally built by the Nipi Monks in Nepal to escape moral degradation, this serene and beautiful place once called for meditation; until Liandri acquired it for perfect tournament conditions.

TeamName=Red Claw
TeamBio=The N.E.G. has long recognized the superiority of the Skaarj warrior as a military fighting machine, as was made clear in the brutal Human-Skaarj wars.  The Skaarj Hybrid is the result of secret military genetic research using both human and Skaarj DNA performed after the capture of a Skaarj scout ship. If proven in Tournament battle, the Hybrids shall become a leading force in ground based ops.
BotClassifications[0]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[1]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[2]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[3]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[4]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[5]=Classified: L9
BotBio[0]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
BotBio[1]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
BotBio[2]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
BotBio[3]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
BotBio[4]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
BotBio[5]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.

BotClassifications[0]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[1]=Necris Phayder
Bio[0]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
Bio[1]=Loque is a suspected Phayder captured snooping around the Io Directorship buildings. The Phayder have become more active as of late and are believed to be responsible for at least 6 tac-nuke bombings against NEG installations in the past month.

BotClassifications[0]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[1]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[2]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[3]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[4]=Classified: L9
Bio[0]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
Bio[1]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
Bio[2]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
Bio[3]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
Bio[4]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.

TeamName=Iron Skull
TeamBio=The N.E.G. has long recognized the superiority of the Skaarj warrior as a military fighting machine, as was made clear in the brutal Human-Skaarj wars.  The Skaarj Hybrid is the result of secret military genetic research using both human and Skaarj DNA performed after the capture of a Skaarj scout ship. If proven in Tournament battle, the Hybrids shall become a leading force in ground based ops.
BotClassifications[0]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[1]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[2]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[3]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[4]=Classified: L9
BotClassifications[5]=Classified: L9
BotBio[0]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
BotBio[1]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
BotBio[2]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
BotBio[3]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
BotBio[4]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.
BotBio[5]=No profile available. Level 9 security clearance required.